I want to propose a new school called "big picture" school. Then we teach a group of different subjects: literature, art, music, engineering (optional field), finance, accounting and psychology. Any person in a graduate master or phd degree, should have enough good credits in all these subject matters. People like me end up going to "big picture" school. NT (Neurotypical) go to university and become experts. ASs will go to more expertise schools designed for their own creative skills. One thing that I am sure of is I am in the wrong spot struggling to put together that "big picture school " based on my own home schooling system. That actually works for everybody! :-)
احساس می کنم دارم دیوانه می شم.
وای خدایا دوچیز من رو داره دیوانه می کنه
ادامه تز و ادامه این شرایط
من خیلی متاسفم. خدایا به هممون کمک کن شرایط و محیط و خودمون و اطرافیان رو بهتر درک کنیم و درست عکس العمل نشون بدیم.
خدایا یه کاری کن هدروفیونا و داستین دست از سرمن بردارن. کلا همه خل و چلها و درو دیوونه ها شامل هلن و چلسی و دان برن جای دیگه مشغول شن.
مردهایی که در حق زنهاخیانت می کنند زنهاشون هرکاری می کنند که طرف رو پس بگیرند و می گیرند. حال ادم بهم می خوره. هیچ وقت هیچوقت با ادم کم هوشتر و کم فهم تر از خودت معاشرت نکن. هیچوقت. رقت بار زندگی می کنند. رقت بار.....
I'm begging of you, please don't take my man.
Jolene, Jolene, Jolene, Jolene,
Please don't take him even though you can.
Your beauty is beyond compare,
With flaming locks of auburn hair,
With ivory skin and eyes of emerald green.
Your smile is like a breath of spring,
Your voice is soft like summer rain,
And I cannot compete with you, Jolene.
He talks about you in his sleep,
And there's nothing I can do to keep,
From crying when he calls your name, Jolene.
Jolene, Jolene, Jolene, Jolene,
I'm begging of you, please don't take my man.
Jolene, Jolene, Jolene, Jolene,
Please don't take him even though you can.
Now, I can easily understand,
How you could easily take my man,
But you don't know what he means to me, Jolene.
Well, you could have your choice of men,
But I could never love again,
He's the only one for me, Jolene.
I had to have this talk with you,
My happiness depends on you,
And whatever you decide to do, Jolene.
Jolene, Jolene, Jolene, Jolene,
I'm begging of you, please don't take my man.
Jolene, Jolene, Jolene, Jolene,
Please don't take him even though you can.